Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about Visionnaire, and Services provided.

1. General Questions

Visionnaire is a Software Factory (click here to know what a Software Factory is and what it does) that has been operating in the corporate system development market for more than 28 years, having customers in all states of Brazil and in countries in Europe, North America and South America. It operates mainly in the remote format, and its headquarters is located in Pinhais, a city in the metropolitan region of Curitiba, in the state of Paraná, Brazil.

Our approach to software development follows agile principles, specifically Scrum, with the goal of achieving greater agility and more frequent communication with customers. This dynamic is facilitated through the use of robust tools hosted in the cloud.

In addition to software development, Visionnaire provides consulting and training, and has its own products, such  as WebPublication©, in the area  of corporate portals (CMS - Content Management Systems), as well as an exclusive service of allocation, recruitment, outsourcing to work in your company or on a specific project (Professional Services). We also provide support, maintenance and evolution of systems through Managed Services.

In all our projects, we always seek a high degree of innovation. Our history is marked by the search and mastery of new technologies that provide the best possible solutions. We have experience in pioneering new technologies to take advantage of their benefits in ventures of all areas and sizes.

We employ methods of excellence both in project management and in the application of technologies during software development. In addition, we make use of platforms recognized in the market that amplify productive efficiency.

The quality in the delivery of solutions is the result of a solid experience and a high level of commitment to customers. This applies to special projects, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and mobile-driven development.

Visionnaire achieves excellence through the skillful selection and application of state-of-the-art technologies, executed by highly qualified professionals, resulting in a superior quality standard. Visionnaire is ready to be your partner in projects related to Information Technology (IT). The essence of our work is cooperation, and, throughout our trajectory, we have built fruitful relationships with several clients, many of whom have had successful partnerships for more than 28 years.

Our offerings are: Software Development, Professional Services, Corporate Sites and Portals, Managed Services, Agile Digital Marketing and No-Code Development.

When it comes to Software Development, Visionnaire has more than 28 years of experience and more than 2,500 projects delivered to hundreds of customers. We work with the main technologies in the market, such as Java, .NET, PHP, Python, Ruby, Angular, React, Flutter and more. We offer options from prototyping an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) to long-term, microservice-based, high-scale projects in the cloud. Visionnaire can also develop native or hybrid mobile applications, integrated with cloud solutions. Learn more about this offer at this link.

Visionnaire's Professional Services Offering include software analysis, architecture, development, testing, deployment, and support. We work with the main technologies in the market. In addition, Visionnaire also offers consulting, training and IT professionals allocation services. Learn more about this offer at this link.

We are also specialists in the creation of Corporate Websites and Portals. We offer services for creating, developing, hosting, maintaining and updating corporate websites and portals, using the best platforms and tools on the market. Learn more about this offer at this link.

Regarding Managed Services, Visionnaire offers monitoring, support, maintenance, updating, backup, recovery and migration of systems, infrastructure and applications, using the best practices and tools of the market. Learn more about this offer at this link.

In the area of Agile Digital Marketing, Visionnaire offers consulting, planning, execution and analysis services of digital marketing strategies based on the principles of Agile Marketing, which are: response to change, rapid iterations, testing and data, small experiments, individuals and interactions, and collaboration. Learn more about this offer at this link.

Our No-Code Development offering takes advantage of a trend that is revolutionizing the technology market. With visual and intuitive tools, you can create applications, websites, systems and digital solutions faster, more conveniently and more cost-effectively, using little or no code. Visionnaire can help you turn your projects into reality. Learn more about this offer at this link.

Pioneer in Brazil in software development, with more than 28 years of experience, Visionnaire is constantly updated, with strong experience in the technologies used in the corporate world of software development.

Among them, we can mention modern web development technologies (HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript), technologies based on the Microsoft platform (Azure, .NET, C# and ASP), modern development frameworks with PHP and Java platform, being the pioneer company in the use of various technologies in Brazil, such as Distributed Objects, C#, Java, CORBA, UML, ALM, Cloud Computing, Application Servers, Python, Ruby on Rails, Java/Kotlin for Android and Objective-C/Swift for iOS.

Visionnaire also has strong experience in systems integration projects, including integration with existing customer systems (e.g., internal HR, CRM and BI systems), ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning systems (e.g., Benner, SAP, SAGE, TOTVS and Microsoft Dynamics).

Our slogan is “We connect experiences to transform business into systems of all complexities”.

During our history, we have developed software of all complexities, always with the aim of transforming for the better the business of our customers with the use of technology. We combine our experience in the technology industry with the experience our customers have in their sectors to produce solutions that transform customers' businesses for the better. The union of different experiences is what we call “Connecting Experiences”.

Visionnaire mainly offers software systems development services. We have been delivering systems for more than 28 years, dealing with numerous technologies and always uniting experience and innovation.

We apply agile methods to deliver solutions quickly, create customized solutions, and we can conduct large projects, handle open and closed scopes. Also, we have experience developing systems for the modern world of web apps and mobile apps.

We also offer professional services that include Allocation, Outsourcing, Recruitment & Selection, Hunting and Outsourcing to create or expand teams with qualified and experienced professionals. We also offer consulting on technologies that we have mastered and training programs in order to promote cultural transformations in enterprises of any level.

Visionnaire also creates corporate websites and portals, as well as intranets, for customers from the most varied sectors of the industry, ensuring the best visualization on computers, mobile phones and tablets and providing a better browsing experience to users. Our solutions are also manageable, collaborative, and simple to update.

You can also count on Visionnaire for system support, maintenance and evolution. We work with on-site technical support, remote support, cloud platform support, systems support, corrective maintenance, evolutionary maintenance and, if necessary, new developments through our Software Factory.

Not only that, the systems developed by Visionnaire can be integrated with techniques such as SEO, Google Ads and Growth Hacking. We use the secrets and techniques  of Growth Hacking  to enhance the reach of business in the digital world, we optimize systems in an integrated way with search engines through programmable SEO and we have a process that increases its reach with modest investments, in an automated way and with the use of APIs.

In addition, Visionnaire offers No-Code and Low-Code development, that is, software development tools with more practicality and no or little code, which brings more practicality and economy.

In the product area, Visionnaire has its own Content Management solution (CMS), which is the Visionnaire WebPublication©, as well as specific products developed and maintained for our customers.

Visionnaire offers services related to the development and maintenance of software systems in general, namely:

  • systems development services, including No-Code Development, that is, with the use of more practical and fast tools;
  • systems implementation, maintenance and support services;
  • services related to all workflows and phases of a software development process, such as requirements gathering, system analysis, system design, coding, technology transfer, and testing;
  • services to first to third level systems with Service Level Agreements (SLAs);
  • outsourcing services  in general (by outsourcing, we understand supply from outside, which is what we do when providing these services to our clients who do not have as their main business the development of systems);
  • allocation of specialized personnel in the area of Informatics;
  • IT infrastructure support services;
  • outsourcing services in general when necessary for our clients: systems development, specialized personnel, and IT infrastructure (maintenance of systems in production in datacenters in the cloud);
  • consulting specialized in IT (Information Technology);
  • creation  of Squads, assembling agile teams to accelerate the deliveries of your business;
  • hunting services to search and find the best professionals for your projects.

The main product that Visionnaire offers is WebPublication©, a Content Management System for Internet Portals, intranets and extranets, also known as a CMS.

Visionnaire also has products developed for customers that are maintained by the company's technical team, and acts in the development and maintenance / support of the systems, among them:

  • a financial transaction processing system that is the heart of all financial processing of the Rede 24 Horas (24-Hour Network) in Brazil, including the red ATMs of the network itself and the ATMs of the shared network, that is, the network of banks that allows integrated processing with the 24-Hour Network, in this case with more than 80,000 ATMs from various banks throughout Brazil and abroad;
  • a customer service system of Unimed Curitiba and Unimed Paranaguá, which is operated by Unimed attendants both in person in the service units and in the Call Center. In all, more than 700,000 policyholders are served with the use of this system.
In addition, Visionnaire has its own products focused on optimizing the software development process, which are reused in projects and in the creation of other products, allowing greater productivity and cost reduction for our customers. Some of these custom products are based on open standards (free software).

Visionnaire's Vision is “Build a new visionary software development”.

The software industry is the most dynamic in the world, renewing itself every day. Our challenge is to be able to continuously modernize our way of developing software, with new perspectives on solutions and business models. To this end, we bring to our clients and teams new practices based on relevant global experiences.

Learn more about Visionnaire's Vision, Mission and Values at this link.

Visionnaire's Mission is “Connect experiences to transform businesses into systems of all complexities”.

Our clients have experience in their business. We have experience in software development. And it is precisely the union of these two experiences that we connect to transform businesses into systems of all complexities.

The accumulated experience and several success stories allow us to be visionary and results-oriented. We want to be beyond our time in solutions and business model, building a new vision in software development. Everything we develop, including the way we develop, must be in a visionary way, ahead of its time.

Learn more about Visionnaire's Vision, Mission and Values at this link.

Visionnaire's Values are “Being Visionary, Experience and Passion, Agile Culture, Coherence, Commitment and Respect”.

Since our conception, we have valued the vision of the future, vision of what is to come in terms of software development. We combine experience and passion to build relevant, high-impact software for our customers.

We value the agile culture in all our attitudes and act oriented to the use of best practices, processes and tools. We have consistency with our customers and partners and in internal interpersonal relationships.

We deliver what we say we're going to do and do what has been agreed. We dedicate appreciation, attention and consideration to our customers and colleagues through our words and actions. We value respect in interactions between people, and different opinions are treated with professionalism and politeness.

Learn more about Visionnaire's Vision, Mission and Values at this link.

Over 28 years, we have undertaken a variety of initiatives related to Social Responsibility. Throughout our trajectory, we have successfully completed more than 2,500 projects for our clients, however, our dedication was not limited to this; we also actively participated as corporate citizens, generating, conceiving and implementing projects of a social nature, with the intention of contributing positively to the community and aspiring to shape a future more promising than the past we inherited.

Some of these initiatives include the D4Sign Digital Sustainability Seal (thanks to sustainability initiatives through the digitization of the document signing process), CaridadX (Brazil's first crowdfunding site specifically aimed at helping people in need), donations of machines to the Hospital do Trabalhador (Worker's Hospital) and masks to the Hospital Nossa Senhora das Graças (Our Lady of Grace Hospital), consulting  for Startups of  social impact, frequent participation in the Sweater Campaign of the Software Park of Curitiba, investment in beginner Startups and a free course for insertion of professionals in the labor market.

Learn more about Visionnaire's Social Responsibility initiatives at this link.

Visionnaire has more than 2,500 projects delivered to hundreds  of customers of all sizes and industries. We consider that every delivery is a Success Case, but we can highlight some specific projects, namely:

iOS Training Program: an initiative of Visionnaire in partnership with the Bradesco Group and PUCPR that trained more than 30 people in the development of mobile applications for iOS;

Technological support for the insertion of an artist in the NFT market: Visionnaire, with the knowledge already acquired of innovative technologies, provided all the technological support necessary to insert an artist in the world of NFTs and Blockchain;

Development of the Musical App project: Visionnaire quickly assembled a team that developed attractive, innovative, easy-to-use website and app ready for the innovations provided by the concept of Decentralized Finance.

Learn more about Visionnaire's Success Stories at this link.
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2. Offering - Software Development

Visionnaire is a company specialized in Software Development, with extensive experience in the market. It offers customized solutions for software projects, using best practices and agile methodologies, such as Scrum, Kanban and XP. Visionnaire has a multidisciplinary team, experienced and committed to delivering value to businesses of all areas and sizes.

Visionnaire develops software for various segments such as finance, telecommunications, healthcare, education and retail. Develops software  for Web, Mobile, Desktop and Cloud, using the most modern and appropriate technologies for each project.   

It also offers professional services such as Consulting, Outsourcing, Allocation and Hunting of IT professionals. In addition, it provides managed services such as Infrastructure Support, Agile Digital Marketing and No-Code Development. Visionnaire is your best choice in the cost/benefit combination for your software projects. Click here to learn more about Visionnaire's Software Development offering.

Within the context of the Software Development offering, Visionnaire offers customized solutions for your software projects, using best practices and agile methodologies, such as Scrum, Kanban and XP.

Agile Development is a way to create software quickly, efficiently and adaptable to change. You can have more control over your project, reduce risks, increase quality and customer satisfaction. In addition, Agile Development allows you to receive  constant feedback and make adjustments according to market needs. Click here to learn more about Agile Development.

3. Offering - Professional Services

Visionnaire's Professional Services offering is a solution for companies that need qualified and experienced professionals in Information Technology (IT). Visionnaire has been working with Allocation, Outsourcing, Recruitment & Selection, Hunting and Outsourcing for years, knowing the secrets of the business. Visionnaire also offers Consulting, Training and Immersion services in new technologies, adding knowledge and value to its clients' projects.

The benefits of hiring Visionnaire Professional Services include agility in hiring and closing IT projects, compliance with outsourcing law, access to best-in-class talent, digital transformation, and immersion in modern technologies. Visionnaire is your best choice in the cost/benefit combination for your IT projects. Click here to learn more about Visionnaire's Professional Services offering.

When we talk about IT Outsourcing, we want you to leave the technology to us and focus on your business. We provide more speed in your software processes with professionals trained in the most diverse technologies to make your project take off.

We enable your venture to start and end contracts easily and quickly, without bureaucracies, obstacles and delays. Get to know our processes focused on outsourcing and have no inconveniences: our process is simple, fast and legal, making outsourcing occur naturally and spontaneously in your company, always with quality and aiming at the improvement of your business.

We have great flexibility in technologies and teams: we work with all software technologies and with teams large and small; we work with temporary outsourcing and staff increase, in accordance with the new law of outsourcing and modernization of the Brazilian labor law. Click here to learn more about IT Outsourcing.

4. Offering - Corporate Sites and Portals

Visionnaire's offering of Corporate Websites and Portals is a solution for companies that want to create or renew their website or portal on the Internet, using the best technologies and content management tools. Visionnaire has years of experience with the development of Corporate websites and portals for clients from the most varied sectors of the industry.

We work with Visionnaire WebPublication©, a proprietary product that allows greater productivity and ease in the development and updating of websites and portals. We offer services for creating corporate websites, corporate portals and intranets, always with a modern design, responsive and adapted to multiple devices.

We also offer benefits such as Mobile Ready, flexibility, speed, collaboration, sharing, training and support. We have as differentials the use of exclusive tools, agile process, mapping of competencies, cultural fit and partnership in the risk. Click here to learn more about Corporate Sites and Portals.

Visionnaire develops responsive websites that adapt to different devices and screen sizes, with modern design and optimized for search engines and SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Visionnaire also offers benefits such as Mobile Ready, agility, support, productivity and collaboration.

Visionnaire works with Visionnaire WebPublication©, a proprietary product that allows greater productivity and ease in the development and updating of websites. With Visionnaire WebPublication©, you can manage all your site content, define the access hierarchy, create a publishing workflow, use your design across all sites, integrate your online communication strategy across all channels, and more.

5. Offering - Managed Services

Visionnaire Managed Services is a complete solution for managing and maintaining your company's IT infrastructure. With Visionnaire Managed Services, you can count on a team of qualified and experienced professionals who use the best practices and tools in the market to ensure the availability, security and performance of your systems and data.

In addition, you can reduce costs, risks and complexity by focusing on your core business and leaving IT to us. Visionnaire's Managed Services include monitoring, backup, antivirus, firewall, remote and face-to-face support, asset management, incident management, change management, project management and consulting. Click here to learn more about Managed Services.

6. Offering - Agile Digital Marketing

Visionnaire's Agile Digital Marketing offering is a complete solution for planning, executing and evaluating your digital marketing strategies. You can count on a team of qualified and experienced professionals who use the best practices and agile management tools to ensure the efficiency, flexibility and adaptability of your campaigns. In addition, you can track the results in real time, through customized reports and dashboards.

Our services include market research, persona definition, content creation, social media management, SEO optimization, ad management, metrics analysis, and more. Click here and learn more about Agile Digital Marketing.

7. Offering - No-Code Development

Visionnaire's No-Code Development is a solution that allows you to create applications and systems without having to write a line of code. With Visionnaire's No-Code Development, you can count on a team of experts who will understand your needs and goals and develop the ideal solution for your business or organization.

Visionnaire uses the best no-code platforms and tools on the market, such as Bubble, Webflow, Thunkable, Zapier and others. Thus, you can have a functional, customized, secure, and scalable application or system in much less time and at much less cost than traditional development. Click here and learn more about Agile Digital Marketing.

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