
Training programs for a cultural Transformation of your team


Visionnaire has a long experience in the market and "breathes" technology every day. We have already gone through several technological waves in more than two decades of operation in the market. Talk to us and create Training and Immersion Programs that will show, in practice, how to develop modern software. Empower your team and transform your business!


We Already Live in the New Age - Visionnaire | Training

We Already Live in the New Age

The world of software has changed a lot in recent years, and Visionnaire is up to date on all technologies.

Practical Training - Visionnaire | Training

Practical Training

The best way to learn is to practice, so apply training in practice with the help of Visionnaire professionals.

Immersion in New Technologies - Visionnaire | Training

Immersion in New Technologies

We carry out immersion programs in the most modern software development technologies, following processes that we use internally.

Training Programs - Visionnaire | Training

Training Programs

We create and execute customized training programs in the most varied software technologies.

Focused Training - Visionnaire | Training

Focused Training

Focus on the technologies you use and need, and don't waste your team's time.

Partnership with Universities - Visionnaire | Training

Partnership with Universities

We have partnerships with renowned universities to further boost your team's learning.


Digital Experience

Visionnaire has more than 28 years of experience in the market focused on software development, with numerous success stories in various technologies. We live in the digital world since we were born and we can pass all this experience on to your team.

Leader Transformation

Software is not only made of technology, but also of people. We carry out training and immersions that will transform your company's leaders, bringing them into the digital age, teaching the current processes and tools of a software company.

Custom Trainings

We create and carry out customized training, tailored to your team and at the time your team needs. We work in partnership with universities and use modern laboratories for practical training, thus generating more results.

Academic Culture

Since its founding, Visionnaire has had a "foot" in the academy. The founders came from the academic world and continue to give due importance to scientific knowledge in the software world. We also take this knowledge and this philosophy to your company.

Cultural Transformation

Just a Digital Transformation in your company is not enough, since if people don't change, nothing changes. Count on Visionnaire for a Cultural Transformation of your team, bringing them to the modern world of software.

Learning in Practice

There's nothing better than learning in practice with people who have gone through real cases of complex projects many times in their careers. We teach for real, explaining the ups and downs of real-world software development processes.

If you don't think so, train!

We live in the digital age. Most companies are looking for technology professionals in the market, but there is a difficulty in finding them, since almost all the good professionals are employed at the same time that there is a lack of qualified technical labor. In this scenario where you don't find the ideal professional, the solution may be in training. Count on Visionnaire for the creation and execution of Training Programs that will bring your own people into the world of modern technologies.

Tools and Technologies


We work with the best online training platforms, as well as in partnership with the best universities, to implement training programs in modern technologies, such as development with Swift, React, DevOps and Cloud.

Modern Laboratories

Through our training partners, we provide laboratories with modern equipment for practical training in emerging technologies, with quality professors and consultants with practical experience in the market.


Visionnaire has more than 28 years of practical experience in the market, focused on software and corporate environments. We create programs with which your team can be part of an "immersion" in new processes and technologies in software, being able to take this new knowledge to your team.

Academic Complement

We complement our courses with training bonuses on sites with a strong academic foundation, such as Coursera, edX, Khan Academy, Udemy and Codecademy, boosting learning and allowing participants to use knowledge in practice.

Learning Objects

We work with modern concepts of Teaching Object and Learning Object and use specialized open tools for the VLE market (Virtual Learning Environments), such as Moodle, Blackboard, Open edX and Google Classroom.

Distance Education / LMS

We use Distance Education systems and LMS (Learning Management System) tools to enhance learning, both internally and for training projects at clients, optimizing time and costs and following market trends.


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