
With over 28 years delivering systems, Visionnaire combines Experience and Innovation for the success of your projects

A Summary of Our HIstory

Visionnaire has been developing software since 1996, and in these 28 years we have worked with virtually all technologies delivering systems of all sizes and complexities.


Three technology consultants and professors come together to develop joint projects in partnership with the university where they work (PUCPR): Vinicius Vendrami Malucelli, Manoel Camillo Penna and Sergio Mainetti Jr.


After carrying out some projects together and holding some events in the technology area, the three invite another teacher (Flávio Bortolozzi) to join the team and create Visionnaire, which was officially founded on June 10, 1996.

1997 to 1999

Visionnaire begins to grow with projects in partnership with the academy, PUCPR and UTFPR (formerly CEFET-PR). It invests in the Distributed Objects event and starts to represent US technology companies in Brazil, and formally becomes the representation of the OMG (Object Management Group) in Brazil.


Visionnaire is approved in the BNDES Prosoft program. It has a highly qualified team in software development and an important set of corporate clients.


Banco Pactual (currently BTG Pactual) invests in Visionnaire by acquiring 20% ​​of the company. Moving to a new headquarters in the Ecoville neighborhood in Curitiba. Restructuring and growth of the company, creating areas and business units with the presence of a financial representative from Banco Pactual. Several projects, mainly in the financial and telecommunications sectors.


Opening of branch in São Paulo. Selected as Softex Premium company and approved in the World Class program of the government of Paraná. Investments in the software factory in Curitiba, increase in the area of ​​events and consultancy, and consolidation of important clients, such as Telemar (currently Oi) HSBC Bank (currently Bradesco), Itaipu Binacional, TecBan, TIM, Unimed, Telefônica, Copel, Embratel (currently Claro) and Petrobras.

2003 and 2004

Investment in the creation of software products, in the area of ​​SLA (Service Level Agreement), Helpdesk, Security, Access Control (Single Sign-on) and Portals (CMS - Content Management System). Consolidation of successful projects, including the largest SLA/SLM project in Brazil with Brasil Telecom (currently Oi), the most awarded Internet Banking at the time with HSBC Bank (currently Bradesco), and the largest software in an ATMs network in Latin America with TecBan (Rede 24Horas project).


Ideiasnet (currently Padtec Holding, an IT holding company with shares on Bovespa) buys Banco Pactual's stake in Visionnaire and becomes part of the board of directors. Visionnaire moves to a new headquarters in the Curitiba Software Park.

2006 to 2009

The company goes through several projects and also went through a period of crisis, reducing some units. It focus on existing customers, prioritizing financial austerity to honor commitments with the BNDES, which ended in 2008.


The company receives the CMMi seal from SEI (Software Engineering Institute) and achieves expertise in the ISO 8583 standard for financial transactions in Brazil. In that year Visionnaire returned to buy Ideiasnet's shares through a Management Buyout operation. From that year on, the company returned to its origin without having any investing partner.

2011 to 2014

The company goes through a new structuring period, once again growing organically. Although 2014 was one of the periods of greatest crisis in the history of Brazil, the company remained solid, growing even amidst a difficult time. In 2013 and 2014, Visionnaire invested in four startups, one of which, CaridadX, became a social entrepreneurship business awarded by several institutions. Consolidation of the WebPublication© tool, aimed at Corporate Portals.


Visionnaire returns to invest in Digital Marketing, with a new strategic positioning and remodeling of the website, maintaining its essence as a visionary company with Innovative DNA, with the Vision “Build a new visionary software development” and the Mission “Connecting experiences to transform business in systems of all complexities”.

2016 and 2017

Consolidation of the client portfolio with the development of more than 2,000 projects and more than 200 important clients, such as Bradesco, Grupo Positivo, FIEPR (Federation of Industries) CRM-PR (Regional Council of Medicine), Caixa Econômica, Cielo, Vivo, Linx, Telemont, Gazeta do Povo, Perkons, AngloGold Ashanti, among others. Beginning of negotiations with Unimed to create a startup focused on health (what became the creation of Univision).


Strengthening of the Professional Services offering with the inclusion of Allocation, Recruitment & Selection, Hunting and Outsourcing. Consolidation of the cloud-related Managed Services offering. Beginning of the Agile Digital Marketing offering, combining technology with marketing. Creation of training programs for emerging technologies, with which Visoinnaire trained professionals in partnership with universities and customers.


Consolidation of Univision, a company focused on health technology (partnership between Unimed Curitiba, Unimed Federation Paraná, FESP - Federation of Unimeds of the State of São Paulo and Visionnaire). Visionnaire becomes a company with a 100% agile development process in the cloud, following the digital transformation of recent years and focused on accelerating business with the new slogan “Accelerate!”. Strengthening of the positioning for the international market with investments for offers in other languages.


In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and with a renewed focus on Agile methodologies, Visionnaire turned the challenge into an opportunity by adopting work from home, giving employees the freedom to work from anywhere. This strategic shift not only offered more flexibility and promoted a better work-life balance, but also maintained efficiency in cases where face-to-face customer contact is essential.

2021 and 2022

In 2021, Visionnaire turns 25 years old, continues to follow its visionary DNA and begins the decade working with innovative projects in the areas of AI (Machine Learning), Mobile, Blockchain, Voice Interface, IoT (Internet of Things), Microservices, Cloud, NFT and AI, using the most varied technologies. In 2022, around 100 people were trained in systems development with the Talent Attraction and Training Program, the result of a partnership between Visionnaire, Bradesco and PUCPR.  The year 2022 also marked the consolidation of Visionnaire in the international market, with clients from Germany and the United States.

2023 and 2024

Visionnaire, always with a mindset of innovation and avant-garde, invests in knowledge in the most modern Artificial Intelligence technologies, including implementing its own AI agent on our website to answer questions about products and services offered. The company also promotes advances in the areas of Blockchain and No-Code and Low-Code Development.

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