Visionnaire and CRM-PR developed a new content portal for the Regional Council of Medicine of Paraná

Conselho Regional de Medicina do Paraná (CRM-PR)
Need to update an online platform (institutional portal) with new responsive technology that streamlines and facilitates the access of its users.
Provide CRM-PR portal users with a modern experience for navigation and usability without losing the original essence used.
Delivery of a portal with a much lighter, logical, intuitive, and totally responsive design. Using the Visionnaire WebPublication Content Management System, maintaining ease and familiarity for its users, enabling cross-platform access.
The partnership between Visionnaire and CRM-PR began in 2016, with the development of its first institutional portal. In this new partnership project, the use of the Content Management System (CMS) called Visionnaire WebPublication was maintained. It is a robust tool, capable of managing a large volume of information, enabling those responsible for an agile and easy update, without the need for advanced knowledge.
Approaching the technical area a little more, integration with other systems using Java language (JEE, currently Jakarta EE), Linux operating system, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Apache Tomcat, Java Portlet Specification, XML, XSL, XSTL, JSP, Ajax/DWR, JQuery and Oracle database. Process developed and implemented by highly qualified and specialized professionals in their respective areas of expertise.
Visionnaire - CRM-PR- New internet portal
Detailed problem:
Digital transformation has been changing rapidly the way people interact on the internet. Nowadays the vast majority use mobile devices to access various information, a highly relevant point that was identified with the users of the portal of CRM-PR (Brazilian Portuguese for Regional Council of Medicine of the State of Paraná), with the real need to access the platform through different means.
In addition to the traditional one that was already in operation for accesses via desktop and notebooks, there was this demand for access via mobile devices (smartphones and tablets), without affecting efficiency and proper visualization when browsing the different sections of it.
Detailed solution:
The project, as a whole, started in October 2017, lasting six months and encompassing a partnership between Visionnaire and CRM-PR, involving a team of highly qualified professionals from various areas such as programming, design, migration, testing and content production, in addition to a major update to the WebPublication platform, the Content Management System used for the portal.
Another detail highlighted was the implementation of accessibility tools integrated into the new portal (Rybená software), enabling the interpretation of texts dynamically in real time, translating into the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) or into audio through a synthesized voice, thus making navigation much more pleasant for people with special needs.
The result of all this work was the delivery of a new institutional portal, much more modern, fast, and easy to use for its users, especially when used on mobile devices.
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