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Assohonda - Systems Consulting

With the help of Visionnaire, Assohonda was able to follow the best path to its dealers network

Brazilian Association of Honda Dealers (Assohonda)
Assohonda needed to have a highly qualified company to perform an analysis, diagnosis, and technical tooling for a network of 700 Honda dealers.
Visionnaire set up a highly technical team and performed all the analysis on the tools being evaluated, allowing Assohonda the best decision making.
With the result of the work carried out by Visionnaire's team of professionals, Assohonda was able to make the best decision for its network, working for the productivity of more than 700 concessionaires.
Tools based on Windows platform, with modules executed via the web. Programming languages C#, .NET, ASP.NET and Delphi. Firebird and SQL Server databases. Data modeling tools. Technical documentation and specifications in UML.

Detailed problem:
Assohonda represents the network of Honda motorcycle dealers for 41 years with more than 700 dealerships. Given the importance and representativeness of the association and the fact that it was undergoing a technical analysis of a software system, it was necessary to hire a technology partner to carry out a technical audit of the software solutions being analyzed by Assohonda, and it was in this scenario that the project began with Visionnaire.
Visionnaire was commissioned to conduct a study, followed by in-depth technical analysis of a software tool that was evaluated by Assohonda as a solution for the entire network. In addition to this technical analysis, Visionnaire performed a detailed technical audit, including immersion in the tools, analyzing source code, database architecture, and opinion on the companies involved.
Detailed solution:
Visionnaire involved a group of highly technical professionals to thoroughly evaluate all aspects of the tools that Assohonda was analyzing. In the end, a report with diagnosis, technical opinion, points of attention and company profile was created. In addition, presentations for the staff and advisers of Assohonda were carried out, allowing the association to follow its best decision, based on the technical aspects of the evaluation of the tools.
Only with a strong partnership and a thorough technical evaluation that the work could generate satisfactory results, and that is exactly what happened: the results allowed to follow the best decision in accordance with the strategic guidelines of the association.

Assuntos relacionados a:
ASP.NET   Delphi   SQL Server   .NET   Software Factory   Systems Development   Development Partnership   C #   Systems Consulting   Firebird Databases   UML specifications